Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Are we creating Engineers? Or just making money from Humans?

I always wonder the way Engineering Standards are going down. Read about a year back in a Survey that only 12% of Fresh Engineers are employable. What is the root cause behind this? Are we not having youth who is capable? Or we are not having faculties? Or we are not having infrastructure?

I am a CAD trainer and interact with Engineering Students on regular basis. They all have the same complain “koi faculty thik se padhata hi nahi hai” (None of the faculty teach us properly). When I talk to faculty members they say “students don’t want to study”. I again start wondering whom to blame students or faculties?

Do you all agree that in our life time we have been taught by minimum of 50 teachers? How many of them we remember? Yes I do remember few names with who I am in touch and remember few who might have forgotten me. I am not here pointing to remember them but my point is what makes you remember them. It’s the impact they leave on you. It may be good or bad. You may love them or you may hate them but you remember them and they are few. So, as a teacher/guru/guide what impact you are leaving on your students matters a lot.

How many of us have ever given a thought that Why we are studying a particular topic? What impact this knowledge will leave. What meaning I can bring to world with this knowledge? I never thought like that but I was never told these important aspects either. In product industry world, each product is designed by skilled labour. Today Engineering Education has also become an industry and we are creating products (fresh engineers) but very few of these products are in demand. Why? And when these Engineers are not capable to serve their purpose, how can they serve to create more new Engineers? And while they are doing so, how can we expect raw students to become engineers?

At this point I want to request, the high authorities of Engineering Colleges, if you are hiring Fresh B.Tech/B.E. candidates to create your products then make them skilled. Put them into Engineering Labs where they can work on the concepts they have learned. Another request to Faculties, Please! Please! Please! do create your replica but as a useful addition to society and not just another Garbage Bin. Last request to budding Engineers bring meaning to your existence. Become a product which is unique and have a value.

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